
Safe-Place Law Third Edition

Wisconsin Safe-Place Law

Third Edition

by John A. Becker & Chris G. Halverson

Section 101.11 of the Wisconsin Statutes, known as the “safe-place statute,” is a unique innovation of Wisconsin’s Progressive Era legislature.  In the first decades of the Twentieth Century, the legislature enacted a series of sweeping economic and social reforms that attracted the attention and imitation of the entire nation. It intended the safe-place statute to protect life, health, and limb.

Under common law, premises were merely required to be reasonably safe. The safe-place statute imposes upon owners of public buildings and owners of places of employment a duty to construct, repair, or maintain such places as safe as the nature of the premises reasonably permits. It places similar duties on employers.

As its principal purpose, this book furnishes a ready reference to Wisconsin’s unique safe-place statute.  To that extent, it updates Howard H. Boyle’s Wisconsin Safe Place Law Revised, published over forty years ago. Additionally, detailed discussion is provided when necessary for a complete analysis of the law.

Hardcover: 458 pages including detailed table of contents and subject index, complete case index, and appendix.


Wisconsin Safe-Place Law, Third Edition, was reviewed in Wisconsin Lawyer, the magazine of the Wisconsin Bar Association.  The review rated the book a “Touchdown!” That is the highest rating given in that magazine. Click HERE to read the review.